Konkan Gyanpeeth Rahul Dharkar College of Pharmacy and Research Institute, Karjat organized one day seminar for all students in association with Jeevan Vikas Viddyapeeth of wamanraopai tittle of “Tuch Ahes Tuzya Jivanacha Shilpakar” on 14th September, 2019. Mr. Santosh Totre, Mrs. Alpana Kalokhale, Mr. Santosh Sawant, Mr. Lakshman Shinde, Mr.SanjayRaut were from Jeevan Vikas Vidhyapeeth. Mr. Santosh Totre was the resource perseon guide all the students to change their view towards life.
Tuch Ahes Tuzya Jivancha Shipakar (Wamanrao Pai)